Upcoming Dates.

Mark Dresser Group at Angel City Jazz Festival
Chris Speed, Joshua White, Michael Dessen, Mark Dresser, Mark Ferber

The Terraza Big Band (Live Music with Culture Lab LIC)
SUNDAY - The Terraza Big Band
Grammy-nominated, 18-piece ensemble based in Queens, NY, performing a repertoire of original music described by the New York Times as “soaring, self-propelling original compositions”.
co-led by @michaelthomasjazz and @edwardperezbass and born out of Elmhurst’s @terraza_7.

The 2020 Virtual Lafayette Summer Music Jazz Workshop
The virtual LafSMW will be held July 20 – 24 from 12:00 PM – 3:15 PM PDT. An optional (but strongly recommended) introductory meeting will be held on Sunday, July 19 at 1:00 PDT. Daily courses will be as follows:
Master class (12:00 – 12:55 PM PDT)
Theory class (1:10 – 2:05 PM PDT)
Free choice / special interest class (2:20 – 3:15 PM PDT)
All courses will be taught via Zoom. Information regarding how to sign up for free choice classes and access Zoom meetings will be provided at a later date.
For more Information, and to sign up, visit Lafayette Summer Music Jazz Workshop